Sarette Albin is a student in the Master of Liberal Studies program at Southern Methodist University. As a high school English teacher at an all-girls school in Dallas, she spends her days discussing literature and workshopping essays with her students (and hearing about the latest Taylor Swift gossip, of course). When not teaching or writing, Sarette can be found spoiling her dog rotten, going to the movies with her husband, or finding new places to explore.
Sarette Albin, Southern Methodist University
I’ll cradle the sun
in my calloused palm
and pull slowly, gently
until crack!
The stem snaps.
And like a heavy, ripe melon
It rolls free from its hold.
Then one by one
I’ll pluck each of the stars,
Piling them high
In my loosely curled hand.
Careful of any pressure
Even the slightest at all
That might crush them like berries
And smear their red glow
through the empty night sky.
The moon I’ll catch last
In the wide swath of my sickle,
wrenching it free
from the grip of gravity.
I’ll harvest them all –
Our sources of light
To bundle in barns,
And pickle in jars.
I’ll ferment them in casks
Of old oak in cellars deep
Until only you remain
A gentle flicker in the dark.
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